EUCALYPTUS OILUse externally for common cold cough and head ache. Inhaled with steam r.....
CITRIODORA OIL 10ml of this oil mixed with 100ml Coconut oil it help to grow new hair, it makes.....
ALMOND OIL FACE CARE & ANTI-AGEING: Antioxidant properties fight wrinkles and redu.....
OLIVE OIL This oil natural moisturizer on body prevent from dryness and skin disease......
HERBAL HAIR CARE OIL HOW TO USE: Take required quantity of oil and apply on the hair, gently m.....
HERBAL SKIN GLOW OIL HOW TO USE: Massage the herbal skin glow oil on the body one or two hours.....
RHEUMATIC PAIN OIL HOW TO USE: Take required quantity of ORTHO PAIN RELIEF OIL heat it to luke.....
EUCALYPTUS OIL (Nilgiri Oil for Cold, Head Ache) Antiseptic and deodorant, used externally for co.....
Benefits Induces a feeling of peacefulness. Relieves headaches, running nose, cold and cough.....
CAMPHOR OILCamphor oil is aromatic and absorbed through the skin. It can provide various health bene.....